


場所:藤女子大学 札幌 北16条キャンパス

12:15 受付開始
12:50 開会式

13:00-13:25 CAJ 趙師哲氏

13:30-13:55 CAJ 木野翠氏

14:00-14:25 HELES 河合靖氏ほか

14:25-14:55 休憩・交流会

14:55-15:20 JACET 藤井聡美氏

15:25-15:50 JACET 中津川氏

16:00-17:00 合同ティーチイン

17:00-17:10 閉会式

18:00-20:00 懇親会



「白糠町の外国語教育活動 ー中国語授業のカリキュラムとシラバスの現状と課題ー」



木野 翠




 [HELES SIG: IDSD研究会(Individual Differences and Self-Development)]


PAC (Personal Attitude Construct)分析とは、刺激文に対する連想文の記述、連想項目間の類似度評定、類似度距離行列によるクラスター分析、クラスター構造の自己解釈、 調査者による面接と総合的解釈により、各個人の持つ態度・イメージを分析する手法である。本発表では、教師の自己研修でPAC分析によりビリーフを可視化することで、振り返りや気づきを促し教師の成長に貢献する可能性を検討する。


Masanobu Nakatsugawa
Center for Educational Development, Otaru University of Commerce

“English as a commodification in Late Capitalism?―A critical analysis of the JTEs view of the current language policy in Japan―”
[JACET Hokkaido]

Language policy sometimes contains hidden agendas for a specific community to pursue their ideals behind the policy (Ricento, 2000). The recent shift toward globalization in the language policy by the MEXT contains a discourse of English as a commodification in late capitalism in order to nurture elite business people to a global market (Nakatsugawa, 2014, Heller, 2009). This presentation seeks to find how the ideological view of “globalization” in the language policy is reappropriated by the local high school English teachers in Japan. The data of the study, including interviews and classroom interaction data from two high schools in Hokkaido, reveals contradictions of the macro-level expectations. This study contributes to a better understanding of localized view of English in Japan.
technicalneeds =

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Satomi Fujii
Graduate School of Hokkaido University

“Foreign Language Teaching Anxiety among Pre-service EFL Teachers in Japan”
[JACET Hokkaido]

Foreign language anxiety is fear or apprehension occurring when a learner is expected to perform in the second or foreign language (Gardner & MacIntyre, 1993). Although a considerable amount of research on foreign language anxiety experienced by language learners has accumulated over the last three decades, little is known about the feelings of teacher language anxiety (Tum, 2014). The present study aims to find out how pre-service EFL teachers feel anxious towards their teaching, and reveal the sources of teaching anxiety. The research questions are as follows: 1) What kind of anxiety do pre-service EFL teachers feel in their teaching? , 2) Why do they feel language teaching anxiety? , 3) How do they cope with their language teaching anxiety? The research was conducted in a form of open-ended questionnaire. The responses of 9 pre-service teachers were analyzed qualitatively using grounded theory approach.
technicalneeds = The presentation will be done by powerpoint, so I would like to use the screen and computer cable interface. I will bring my own computer for my presentation.

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Joint Teach-in


長谷川 聡

「特定目的のコミュニケーション (CSP):福祉医療療のケアリング・コミュニケーションと教室内インタラクションの教師発話」



石塚 博規

「特定目的のコミュニケーション (CSP):福祉医療療のケアリング・コミュニケーションと教室内インタラクションの教師発話」

英語の授業の観察・分析方法として代表的なものに、Spada and Fröhlich (1995) が提案したCOLTがある。これは授業をwarm‒upやpracticeなどの活動ごとに特徴を数値化したり(Part A)、発話(ターン)や談話ごとにGenuine Question / Displayquestionなどとその特徴をマークし、授業の発話の質的な面から分析しようとする方法(Part B)である。本発表では、中学校の10クラスの英語授業における教師と学習者の発話を質的な面から分析した結果の一部を紹介し、そこから得られるTeacher Talkのあり方を考察する。
posted by JACET-Hookaido at 17:55| 日記




【CALL-Plus Workshop 2014】
大学英語教育学会(JACET)北海道支部・全国語学教育学会(JALT)北海道支部 ジョイント研究会
Joint JACET/JALT Hokkaido Chapter Meeting

日時:平成26年 11月8日 土曜日 10:00〜17:00


JACET Presentation (1)

Graduate school of Otaru University od Commerce

Enhancing instrumental motivation for English among Japanese undergraduates: video testimony of company workers in the language classroom

The major purpose of this study is to raise instrumental motivation among freshmen of Japanese college students through enhancing understanding the social needs of English by longitudinal study with an educational intervention. Japanese college students tend not to study English compared to high school students of Japanese mainly because they lose a strong instrumental motivation, college entrance exam. (Kaneko,2012; Naganuma, 2006; Kida, 2008, Berwick & Ross,1989) In order to enhance the instrumental motivation, 100 students (four English classes of freshmen) were shown four different videos about necessity of English in different days. 50 students (out of 100 students who watched the videos) did discussion activity based on the each video right after watching them. Through the comparison of the result of questionnaire conducted before and after of the intervention, it was proved that necessity of English enhance instrumental motivation. (I’m still on the !

JACET Presentation (2)

Yasushi KAWAI
Hokkaido University

“University English education needs analysis: A survey of students and faculty”

This presentation reports the results of a questionnaire regarding English education at Hokkaido University. Participants were chosen from three groups. The first group consisted of the faculty. Four hundred and thirty-eight out of 1,346 professors completed a paper-and-pencil questionnaire. Freshmen comprised the second group. An online language learning platform, Glexa, was used for this investigation. Nine hundred and sixty out of 2,556 students responded. The third and final group were undergraduate sophomores, juniors, seniors, and all graduate students. Out of approximately 15,000 upperclassmen, 693 answered the questionnaire via the website. Results indicated that freshmen favor conversation classes while upperclassmen and professors preferred academic language proficiency oriented classes such as reading, writing, and presenting academic papers. About one-fifth of the upperclassmen also reported that they use English every day. Both undergraduate and gradu!
 ate students expressed a desire to have more contact with international students.

JACET Presentation (3)

Hiroko Miura*, Toshiyuki Sakabe*, Akiko Shibata**, Masashi Takemura***, Megumi Yamada****, Hisashi Naito*****

“Using English during an Internship in Singapore – Vocabulary Analysis”

Hokkaido University of Science*, Sapporo Otani University**, Hokusei Gakuen University Junior College***, Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University****, Hokkai-Gakuen University*****

While many Japanese small and medium sized companies advance into overseas markets, the issue is to develop human resources with a competent English ability.  This study aims to analyze how Japanese college students use English during internship abroad and also what issues need to be addressed in human resource development.  For eight days in August, 2012, Japanese university students were placed at local companies during two-week stay in Singapore.  One of them worked at a catering company and in a ramen restaurant.  He had studied in Finland for three months and rated himself A1.3 for Spoken Production of CEFR-J before the internship.  All his conversations were recorded, and the data was put into writing.  The total number of words during the internship was 17,000 words.  The quantity of utterances was increased daily. As a result of an analysis using JACET8000, level 1 accounts for 90% while level 2 is 6% and level 3 is 2%.  There is no clear increase of vocabulary.  His self-evaluation of Spoken Production of CEFR-J drastically changed from A1.3 to B1.1.  Although he worked only eight days, it was proven that the internship had some positive effects.  On the other hand, it showed that a short-term overseas internship was not enough to increase vocabulary to communicate well without misunderstanding.

JACET Presentation (4)

Hisashi Naito and Mark Matsune
Hokkai-Gakuen University

“An ESP approach to overseas study program for business administration students”

There is a growing necessity for Japanese people to interact in global business environments. This presentation will report on a two-semester overseas study program offered to undergraduate students majoring in business administration.  The main objective of this program is for the students to acquire English communication skills that they can use with business people overseas and improve their autonomous learning skills. The program had three basic aims for the students: (1) Experiencing a World Englishes environment through the 3-week ESL program at a university in Canada, (2) Encountering foreign corporate culture through an introductory comparative corporate analysis, (3) Using English in social and business settings through on-site studies at a Canadian winery and large scale retail chain. After completing the first semester preparatory components and the "study abroad" component, students completed a follow-up report on their experiences.  The reports as well as their self-evaluation based on CEFR-J showed this short term experience was undeniably effective in raising their self-efficacy of English use.

JACET Presentation (5)

Yukie UENO, Kyoko MORUKOSHI, Tomohiko ODA
Hokkai Gakuen University, Hokusei Gakuen UniversityJunior College, Sapporo University

“Implementing MICE in English Classes”

Japan has been taking active measures to promote tourism in order to revitalize its economy and community.  Along with tourism, the importance of MICE, which stands for Meeting Incentive Convention & Event/Exhibition, has been discussed among government officials and industry professionals.
Including MICE in English language teaching materials is worthwhile because both language skills and communication skills are critical for MICE business. MICE business-people need to write a bid paper and it needs to persuade its readers. This presentation presents the rationales why MICE is vital in university English classes and also shows  authentic original teaching materials extracted from MICE websites and the handouts that the authors made. It also reports on feedback from teachers and students.(122words)


posted by JACET-Hookaido at 14:56| 日記


日時:2014年 5月31日(土) 13時00分〜17時10分
場所: 北海道医療大学 札幌サテライトキャンパス(アスティ45 12階)
【統計ワークショップ:シリーズ:教育実践と統計実務の学びなおし その1】

posted by JACET-Hookaido at 13:56| 日記